On this page, you may find all recent information on the ADDIA project, and its progress.
For further information on Amoneta and ADDIA Test, please contact us here.
12 December 2023
Amoneta Diagnostics and AD Data Initiative
announce "ADDIA Data on AD Workbench" !
Together, Amoneta Diagnostics and the AD Data Initiative announce a collaboration to make data from ADDIA, a multicentric clinical study supporting biomarker R&D for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and other dementia, available to all researchers for advanced analysis.
The ADDIA dataset, now available on the AD Workbench, will empower researchers to unlock new insights, fostering progress in diagnosis and understanding of various forms of dementia. This collaboration between Amoneta Diagnostics and the AD Data Initiative underscores a shared commitment to advance ADRD data sharing, research, and diagnostics.
To access ADDIA dataset on AD Workbench, sign up or log back in: https://addi.pub/ADWorkbench
About the Dataset
The ADDIA dataset version 1 offers a comprehensive array of data collected from 207 subjects across 13 clinical centers of excellence in five European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland,
Turkey). The dataset includes subjects with mild, and moderate-severe AD, non-AD dementia (including FTD, DLB, PSP, PDD, CBD), and healthy controls.
Researchers will have access to a wealth of data for advanced analysis related to dementia diagnoses and differential diagnosis between dementia types. The available data encompasses demography, vital signs, physical exam details, functional tests (MMSE and MoCA), FCSRT questionnaires, nervous system findings from 147 brain regions (MRI), and essential laboratory findings such as CSF Amyloid Beta 1-42, total Tau Protein, and Phosphorylated Tau Protein.
The dataset also contains genomic and transcriptomics findings (available on request).
More about ADDIA Study
The ADDIA consortium, coordinated by Amoneta Diagnostics, conducted a multicentric clinical study (NCT03030586), which enrolled 821 subjects
from 13 clinical centers of excellence in five European countries (FR, BE, IT, CH, TR), making it possible to collect high quality biological samples and associated laboratory, imaging and clinical
data from well characterized healthy subjects, patients suffering from Alzheimer disease (mild- and moderate to severe-stages) and patients suffering from five other dementia types (FTD, PDD, DLB,
CBD and PSP).
For more information about the ADDIA Consortium visit project website at https://www.addia-project-h2020.eu/
More about Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative
The Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (AD Data Initiative) is a coalition of leading academic, advocacy, government, industry, and philanthropy organizations that recognizes the need for dementia
researchers to find easier ways to share unpublished data, analytical tools, and scientific findings. The AD Data Initiative offers researchers around the world secure data sharing and collaboration
resources, available to users at no cost. The AD Data Initiative supports collaborative partnerships that enable researchers to advance scientific breakthroughs and accelerate discoveries in new
diagnostics, treatments, and cures for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
26 July 2019
ADDIA (a Horizon 2020 SME Project) Closing Meeting held in Paris
The ADDIA consortium, a Horizon 2020 Project, comprising Amoneta & Firalis teams and all the clinical investigators and/or their colleagues representing the 13 clinical sites participating to patient recruitment in ADDIA study, met for the project closing meeting, a whole-day event held in Paris, on July 26, 2019.
The ADDIA consortium discussed the results which have been obtained so far, regarding the diverse peripheral biomarker classes generated by Amoneta teams, and decided the next steps.
As the teams prepare for the final reporting to be submitted to the European Commission (Horizon 2020), the members of the ADDIA Consortium, being a success story already, have agreed to pursue this fully established and highly performant network for further collaboration. Preparations are being finalized for the analysis of the data on biomarkers, which will be conducted by the statistics experts of Amoneta and Firalis during September and October 2019. The CE-marking of the most accurate biomarker-based in-vitro-diagnostic test(s) are planned from 4Q2019, with several peer-reviewed articles to be co-published by the consortium members in international journals during 4Q2019 and 2020.
20-Nov 2018
Alzheimer Europe published an article on Amoneta's ADDIA Biobank
Alzheimer Europe, the leading European organization which brings together and represents 42 member associations from 37 countries, published an article on the ADDIA Biobank of Amoneta; on its "Science Watch" section, as a breakthrough headline in the field of Dementia.
You may read the full article here: https://www.alzheimer-europe.org/News/Science-watch/Tuesday-20-November-2018-Amoneta-Diagnostics-describes-its-biobank-of-biological-samples-from-patients-with-dementia-and-cognitively-intact-subjects
25-July 2018
ADDIA is presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC)
The progress of ADDIA clinical studies and the results obtained on blood-based biomarker tests were presented at the AAIC 2018, in Chicago.
For more information please refer to the following link:
13-July 2018
ADDIA Clinical Investigators met in Strasbourg and planned the end of study
ADDIA Project Clinical Investigator Team met for the 3rd time, in Strasbourg. Team discussed the excellent results obtained on blood biomarkers on samples from the Chronobiological study and went through the overall plan to complete the clinical study.
03-July 2017
ADDIA Team 2nd Annual Meeting took place in Strasbourg
The 2nd of ADDIA Clinical Investigators Meeting took place, on the 3rd of July 2017, in Strasbourg. The team discussed the significant achievements in the progress of the clinical studies and decided next steps of the ADDIA study.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Article points to the need for
New Biomarkers to diagnose Alzheimer's Disease in blood
The Scientific American published an article written by Dr. Howard Fillit, the Founding Executive Director and Chief Science Officer at the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF), one of the most acknowledged Key Opinion Leaders in the field of Alzheimer's Disease.
The article points to the unmet need for blood biomarkers for an inexpensive and noninvasive clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. According to Dr. Fillit, such a test would not only facilitate the diagnosis but also stimulate better treatments for the Alzheimer's Disease, for which (in sharp contrast to other illnesses and
despite many efforts as well as huge expenses and hundreds of clinical trials), no new treatment have been approved in the past 16 years.
Click here to view the original article from Scientific American
This article confirms, the real value of ADDIA, a blood diagnostic test based on a combination of 2 biomarkers. ADDIA is a multicentric proof-of-performance biomarker study, funded by the European Union Horizon-2020 Program.
Authorizations for Human Samples Transportation: Amoneta Diagnostics obtained the authorization by the French Ministry of Education and Research “Ministère de l’éducation Nationale, de l’enseignement Supérieuret de la Recherche” for human sample importation from the ADDIA Clinical centers in Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Belgium and Canada.
Chronobiological Study Recruits: First subjects are recruited for the ADDIA chronobiological study, upon informed consents signed during 4Q 2016.
ADDIA recruited first subjects!
ADDIA PoP clinical study on 800 subjects(*) is initiated with the first subjects included on Jan 16, 2017 in Brescia and Strasbourg clinical sites; also on Feb 10 2017 in Istanbul clinical site.
*400 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, 200 with non-Alzheimer neurodegenerative diseases and 200 healthy controls.
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Lausanne/Switzerland (Prof. JF. Démonet on the right)
Chronobiological Study Initiated: The clinical chronobiological study on 12 patients with Alzheimer’s disease and 12 healthy controls is initiated, with the first informed consents signed during 4Q 2016.
ADDIA Data-Monitoring Assured: Amoneta Diagnostics S.A.S., coordinator of the ADDIA Project, signed a contract with DrPospichal-Mediante GmbH for the data monitoring of the ADDIA Proof-Of-Performance (PoP) clinical study. DrPospichal-Mediante GmbH is an independent contract research organizations (CROs) based in Germany, with experience in providing clinical research services to the biopharmaceutical industry and life science organizations.
Amoneta signs for ADDIA e-CRF Service: Amoneta Diagnostics S.A.S., coordinator of the ADDIA Project, signed a contract with Absilon to perform the Electronic Clinical Research Form (e-CRF) of the ADDIA Proof-Of-Performance (PoP) clinical study. Absilon is an independent CRO based in France, with experience in providing clinical research services to the biopharmaceutical industry.
Q2-Q3 2016
ADDIA obtains Ethic Committee Approvals: Amoneta Diagnostics SAS successfully submitted the ADDIA PoP clinical study package to and obtained approval from the ethic committees of France on 4-Jul-2016, Italy on 19-Oct-2016, Turkey on 28-Jun-2016, Switzerland on 5-Sep-2016 as well as from the French “Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé” on 1-July-2016.
ADDIA Chronobiological Study obtains Approvals: Amoneta Diagnostics S.A.S. obtained the approval from the French ethic committees “Comité de Protection des Personnes” (CPP) also on June 14, 2016 from the ”Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé” (ANSM) for its chronobiological study that will include patients with Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls.
ADDIA Project launched with a Consortium Kick-off Meeting
In coordination of Amoneta Diagnostics S.A.S. and with participation of several clinical centers, ADDIA project is launched via an excellent kick-off meeting, in the administrative site of Amoneta in Huningue, at the triple border of France, Switzerland (Basel Region) and Germany (Freiburg). All parties have represented their institutes, specialities and capabilities by focused and uniformed presentations.
Firalis S.A., the parent company of Amoneta Diagnostics S.A.S. and a partner of ADDIA project (as third linked party), as well as other stakeholders such as consultants and outsourcing partners, were also present at the meeting.
Next step is to have further discussions with each of the stakeholders and clinical centers in particular, in order to prepare the clinical trial in a best possbile configuration.